Create Form
Step 1: Add a new form
Open Form Builder Admin Panel> Click Forms> Click New Form Button
Use the template as per your requirements.
Step 2: How to configure a new form
Here we've used a form from a template Pre-built form named Register Form.
The building form page divided into several parts
Click on Add the Elements and more than 30 different elements will be visible
Choose the Elements you want in your form (one at a time)
By clicking on Add Page, You can add more pages to the form (Applicable for Multi-page/Multi-Steps Form)
Click on the Footer and you can see multiple options for setting up the buttons
If you want to add the Reset button on the form, choose it accordingly
If you want to rename the Submit button label
If you want to rename the Next/Previous buttons label (Applicable only for multi-step/page forms)
Admin Email Setting:
For setting up the email notification (up to 3 Ids)
Can set the admin notifications email thread by using the various options
Auto Responder Email Setting:
You can choose emails that are added to the form element or can choose a user account email address
Can set the auto-responder email thread by using the various options
Default: The form will be visible as it is
Boxed: The form will be visible like a box means forms will be shown in the box
Float: Form will be visible in the floating window
Popup: The form will be open in the popup window
Trigger Action:
Can choose the triggering action as per your requirement
Can add any image in the form with the position as per the selected and feasible form template
Form Customization:
Can customize the form as per the requirement in terms of font size, form width, field styles, Colours of button/text, and Form Background
Action After Submit:
Action After Submit: Can choose actions from the dropdown after clicking on the submit button what will happen
Title: Can show the notes after clicking on the submit button
Message: Can show the message after clicking on the submit button
General: Setup the general settings of the created form
Error Message: Setup the error message by using this option
Integration Possibilities
Google Recaptcha
Google Sheet
For a Detailed Guide Please CLICK HERE
You're now all set to use forms on your store! š
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